To prepare Slivered Almonds, Almonds that have been peeled, split in half, then cut into tiny strips known as slivers.
Slivered almonds are a favorite choice for baking and snacking. High in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and heart-protective fats, slivered almonds can add a boost of health benefits to your diet. They can be added in salads or bake them into cookies for a nutty crunch and flavor.
Almonds have been suggested to reduce heart disease risk by lowering total and LDL cholesterol, and exerting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Plant sterols as found in almonds may interfere with the absorption of cholesterol and bile acid, and the high amount of unsaturated fat in almonds favors an improved lipid profile, especially when this food replaces other foods high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrate. Almonds also contain phytonutrients that support the growth of beneficial gut microbes. Controlled trials have shown that general nut intake can decrease inflammation, promote healthy blood vessels, and reduce insulin resistance.
Interestingly, despite nuts being calorie-dense, research does not support a link with nut intake and weight gain. In fact, they have been associated with less weight gain and a lower risk of obesity, possibly because the fat and fiber content help to improve feelings of satisfaction and fullness.
Almonds should be stored in an airtight container and it’s best to store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Almonds are not recommended to be stored at room temperature for periods of time, so your pantry is not a good idea. However, you can take enough for a day or two out of storage while keeping the rest safe and fresh.
This product can be used raw to be added directly into salads, baked goods, or using it as garnishment for variety of deserts. This product can be roasted in a frying pan to help giving the product crunchy texture.
Almonds are a great part of your diet, but to get their full benefits, they do need to be stored properly. The most important thing to remember is that if an almond tastes bad, you should not eat it.